Saturday, October 25, 2008

Please Vote

Hello everyone,
I have just returned from Wake Forest, NC. It's just up the road from where I live. It's a beautiful and unassuming southern small town. In this place I have just cast what I believe to be the most important vote for President in my lifetime. In this time we face what can surely be the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Our standing on the international stage, greatly depressed due to the actions of the Bush Administration, will only be diminished further by the economic recession that has come.
It is my hope that the next President of the United States can help us all restore America to it's hard earned place as one of the greatest cultural, political, and hopefully ethical forces for good on this planet of ours. No matter what has happened in the last eight years, from attacks upon us, attacks by us, and attacks on our Liberty from forces outside and within we have lost none of our potential. I still believe that we as human beings are by nature primarily good. I believe that as misguided as our leaders have been they still have the capacity to do good. I do believe in the "Audacity of Hope" that my personal pick for president Barack Obama speaks of. It is this audacity, this drive, this Hope that will help to lead my generation to become of the "Greatest Generations".
Like those who came before us it is not by choice that we must take up this charge to change the world for the better, it is our responsibility. Like all parents we too must hope that those who come after us will find a world given to them that is better than when we came. To accomplish this task we must face our challenges now. To quote John F. Kennedy, "not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win". It is to this end that I cast my ballot today.
I choose Barack Obama to be representative as President of the United States. Not because his task will be easy but because it will be hard. It is my belief that his resolve, intelligence, and willingness to get the job done will start the process of rebuilding America into one of the preeminent forces for good for many generations to come.
No matter your beliefs, your personal politics, your reservations or fear for our future there is one thing we can all believe in. It is the idea of the greatest Representative Democracy this planet has ever seen. The United States of America. So please vote. Do your part no matter how large or small and help us all grow as a people, a country, a continent, a world. Together we can do this so please:

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